Diving deep into what brings Insomnia together for Dreamcatcher.


For Insomnia fans to come together around Dreamcatcher, there is truly only one major thing that unites all of us fans together: Dreamcatcher is a group of the heavy metal queens of K-Pop, wow! This central thing is something all fans can agree on. There might be arguments or debates in the community, but everyone, including myself and other fans of Dreamcatcher, can agree with this statement, “Come with me so we can delve deep into what the Dreamcatcher community on V LIVE looks like!”

What Unites Insomnia

On one platform called V LIVE, active fans of the Insomnia community for Dreamcatcher assemble and support the group by showing their love and by emptying out their wallets. One thing Insomnia might unite over is some terminology that is used in the community. There is some lingo that is exclusive to Insomnia in a way because only I, and other Insomnia in the community, know what it means. This lingo might bring the community closer together because it’s unique only to the Insomnia fandom. members of the Insomnia community and I bond over this language. Many of the users in V LIVE might say something like, “Hey guys, did you hear about the VVIP Polaroids that are available for crossroads?” What Insomnia meant when they said this phrase was that there are specific products that are only available for fans who buy the most premium tickets for any concerts Dreamcatcher might have. Topics that get the most attention are those about their concerts. By the way, there’s an upcoming concert for Dreamcatcher in mid-March which is called Crossroads and is set to only be virtual because of the ill-effects of Covid-19.

Buying and selling Dreamcatcher merchandise, like albums and shirts after they are out of print, is something me and Insomnia like to do as a hobby for collection purposes. Other than their music and concerts, their official merchandise is what truly makes Insomnia excited and engaged to be in the community for Dreamcatcher. All insomnia, including me, love supporting Dreamcatcher because of their unique music. A common belief inside the community is that Dreamcatcher’s music is unique in the world of K-Pop for many reasons. Rock-oriented music is very rare in Korea and Dreamcatcher is one of the only groups that have this kind of music. They basically break norms and carry a new category of K-Pop on their shoulders. If you go and compare Dreamcatcher to other groups in K-Pop, you’ll see what I mean.

What Divides Insomnia

When I think about what divides members of Insomnia within the community, I believe the answer is a simple one. It’s because we might seem like a friendly bunch of fans from the outside, but that’s really not the case sometimes. Other Insomnia and I tend to get into heated arguments over little things like which title track is the best or other little things like which comeback or album looks best. This probably goes to show just how serious we are about Dreamcatcher. Some users in V LIVE might comment on things like “the Dejavu era is probably the best because of the choreography and their unique visuals.” We try to keep these conversations lighthearted, but there’s always a sensitive snowflake in the bunch that takes it way too seriously and starts to use profanity.

(Above we can see where someone started a thread asking Insomnias their favorite song on www.vlive.tv/channel).

If I had to think about if there were subgroups within Dreamcatcher’s Insomnia community, in this case on V LIVE, I would believe that there isn’t one because everyone is a member of Insomnia, and there’s no “hierarchy” or anything, unless you explore an entirely different platform. Other platforms make their own groups, but there isn’t anything official. Most people create subgroups that are only a thing in a few places, or not at all. For example, if you go on Discord, you might find that there are subgroups or factions that have their own roles, but in V LIVE, there‘s nothing like that. There is only a fan-board where people can randomly and joyfully chat.

